Better side of Software
Better side of Software
We help our Clients to manage the complexity and integrity of systems, and to solve business challenges in terms of integration of various IT technologies. We offer consultancy services and direct integration of IT systems.
We have our original programming platform the Streamsoft Next. Its use enables to integrate and extend functionalities of the systems already implemented by the Client.
Our knowledge in systems integration allows us to choose the right technology and provide solutions for large and mid-sized companies.
We work closely with the Client in order to adapt to his needs and requirements: from analysis of solutions, through creation of concept to integration.
Our experience includes, among others integration with:
- ERP systems (Oracle, Microsoft)
- ESB (OSB Oracle)
- frontend system (Magento, ENP, IAI Shop, Shoper)
We also deal with automation of documents flow (WEBCON BPS) and data migration.
We provide complete integrations for e-commerce (frontend, auction systems, courier systems, electronic payments, electronic banking system etc.) based on own integration platform or delivered by the Client.
We have competences in the field of database analysis (including PostgreSQL, Oracle: iReport/Jaspersoft, SQL, PL/ pgSQL) and database administration.